Tom's Challenge #5

We’re happy here though our house has been getting cold lately and we are reluctantly turning on the heat for the first time. It’s a big house and winter means spending a lot more on electricity each month. So, we’ve been telling the kids to put on slippers and wear a sweater or something but our bones are getting chilled and it gets pretty dark around here before seven o’clock rolls these days. The change is upon us.
This week’s challenge is as follows:
This is one of our most famous Americans. This person’s influence led inadvertently to a revolution in Europe in their respective field. By way of Scotland, the most controversial of revolutions traced to this person took place in Vienna.
This person’s personal life was both flamboyant and tragic. At one point, a disgruntled associate, sealed all of the doors but one of the family house, with this person’s spouse and children inside, then lit the house on fire and waited at the only exit with an axe. This person’s entire family was wiped out in a most grisly way on that day.
The last clue is that this challenge is dedicated to Jackie and her annual migration.
Because you guys are so sharp, that is all that I am willing to say at this point.
1. Who is this person?
2. What was the name of the location where the tragedy described took place?
3. What other significant place in this person’s life also bore that name?
Well, I hope this is challenging enough for you. It’s hard to say. These facts may be either new or cryptic but the person is not considered obscure.
As always, please e-mail your answers to me. If for any reason this goes slowly I will post clues. Cheers and happy challenge!
If it was easy it would be no fun, but I,ve spent nearly 2 hours on this and got no where, oh well maybe tomorrow!
Well, so far you're the only one to comment (possibly due to the fact that I posted at midnight PST, which is your morning) so this may be a hard one.
I have learned to be more cryptic with each challenge as the first ones were solved in minutes, then within an hour or two. The power of google is very strong, so I have to be less specific.
If others have difficulty, there will be clues given out so stay tuned!
Cheers, TM
If the others have trouble? Damn, Tom, (or is that Damn Tom?) I was almost late for work this morning. You know how the women in this family are. There is no quit in us. Now, back to the search .....
Phew! What a stinker! Damn Tom was right!
Well, it's been mighty quite this Challenge. We do have a winner but still looking for second place. I will post a clue shortly....
Quiet? -- We're too busy pounding keyboards to be noisy!
Well we have a second place now-- as soon as the music hint was posted I bet you know who got it right away.
I'd like to get a third place...
Bazza must be second -- who else could get so much help from a music message? If I could I'd insist you'd offer the song for the asking because you gotta keep the customer satisfied.'
Where's Jenn? I know Caryl is on her way to Montana. Where's Brooke? -- and she hasn't posted, either. Jackie is off over hill and dale .... Hey, how come no caterwalling from anonymous? Is there a toothbrush stuck in her mouth?
Incomplete answers are worthy of third place. You got my e-mail?
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